Supplication means to plead humbly. Christians have been granted an amazing blessing and privilege which is seldom used to its potential - you can have an audience with the King. The Creator of the universe has so condescended to His beloved people that His ear is available to you at all times. Not only is He passively interested in hearing from you, but His very nature and character desires to have communion with His children. In His word, Almighty God calls you to come boldly to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16). He cares about you and wants you to lay your troubles at His feet (Philippians 4:6). Prayer is so important to God that Jesus instructed us on how to go about praying (Matthew 6:9-13).
Supplication connotes the idea of entreating the assistance of one who has the power to answer. We are encouraged to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) with all prayer and supplication (Ephesians 6:18). God also wants us also to know that He answers prayers (Matthew 21:22).
What should you supplications be about?
Good question: for yourself (Matthew 26:41), other saints (James 5:16), your enemies (Luke 6:27-28), our leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
What pitfalls should I watch out for?
Another good question. Be careful of praying for prayer's sake - don't be a hypocrite (Matthew 6:5-8).
Supplication follows the trajectory the previous parts of the ACTS model and is the logical extension of someone's communication with their Creator. If you have worshiped, confessed your sins and thoroughly thanked Him, the believer can plead that God be glorified and that His (perfect) will be done. Anything touched upon during the time of confession can be petitioned for. The Father, through His Holy Spirit out of honor for Christ can and will transform and conform a believer into the image of His Son. Time spent in thanksgiving highlights some of the most important areas of a Christian's life, plead for those things during your time of supplication.
There are endless topics that relate to prayer and praying, but I hope that this series has been helpful to you and that God will use it to encourage you to pray more.
Until next time, yours In Christ,
Tom Vazquez
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