Since recently attending Sermon Audio's Foundations Conference in my hometown, New York City; I have been praying more. Godly, faithful men, preached on the centrality of prayer and the proclamation of the word. At some point, one of the speakers mentioned using the ACTS model of prayer; Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication. I had probably heard of this model before, but God used their teaching to invigorate my prayer life. ACTS stands for: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication.
The ACTS model is not specifically found in the bible, nor should it be the only way in which a believer communicates with God, but it is a good guide for a believer to use during prayer.
Adoration is worship. Worship involves the glorification and exaltation of God, this is achieved in the mind through contemplation upon God. Proper worship of God results from knowledge. One can proclaim His character, attributes and works to Him in prayer. A new Christian may only know God as Savior (1 John 4:14), they are still in awe that a holy, righteous God would die to redeem an undeserving rebel such as them-self. A more mature Christian will have a deeper understanding and relationship with God, they will acknowledge Him as Creator (Gen 1:1), as Judge (Hebrews 9:27), Healer (1 Peter 2:24).
Many of my prayers begin with, "Heavenly Father, Creator God, Maker of heaven and earth. You are holy, perfect and just." Bible studies, reading and devotions will expose the believer to more and more of God. Overtime, your adoration will grow deeper as you learn more about your King.
Do you use a system or guide to organize your prayer time?
What attributes or characteristics of God do you enjoy proclaiming to Him in prayer?
Let me know in the comments below.
Yours In Christ,
Tom Vazquez
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