
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Does Your Heart Ooze Thankfulness?

boy wearing gray vest and pink dress shirt holding book

My wife and I flew to Raleigh through a short layover in Detroit this morning. Now go ahead, ask me how my flight went? That is where this problem and great grace begin.

Living in New York is full of complexity, as such a common and favorite conversation topic is to gripe to fellow New Yorkers, acquainted or not, about life’s hiccups. “How was your weekend?” Great, restful and got my errands done. I just wish I hadn't been stuck for an hour on the Costco check-out line. Oh yeah? That's the worse, I”…. And you know the rest. It's a never ending cycle of complaining. Even in the best light, it is an attempt to find common ground, but in reality, a fist shake at God.

Whoa Tom, whoa. Just because I share my mishaps doesn't mean I am complaining. No, not necessarily, but if you examine your speaking pattern, what do you observe? Is it a heart of thankfulness (Eph. 5:20), or murmuring (Mal. 3:14)?

I write this because the Lord illuminated this sin area in my life the last time we were in North Carolina. Last month my family was blessed to spend a week with godly saints. An elder and his wife of 42 years. God convicted me by observing their conduct, specifically their speech, not only was it seasoned with grace but strikingly, thanksgiving.

I'm thankful Tom! I know the Lord saved me out of His good pleasure, for His glory. I am grateful for that, for my family, life and home church. Great! But does it ooze out? Is it a defining characteristic of your speech, your demeanor? If a group of people close to you were asked to describe your bent, would they say you are a complainer or full of thanksgiving?

Let's couch this in theology. God is the author of everything, He either causes or permits everything you and others say, do, think and feel. He controls and has ordained all things and circumstances. With that in mind, go back to the hour wait on the Costco line. What was the point? Where is your heart, where is your mind during these situations? Probably not stayed on Him.

Two minutes from landing I am reflecting on the things as we go to be picked up by this same godly couple. What will I say when asked, how was your flight?

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Pray for Your Child's Spouse

Weekday schedules can be difficult for spending quality time with your family - especially if you have younger kids. I often get to enjoy my daughter in the morning for an hour or so before heading out to work and oftentimes she is in bed or being put down to sleep by the time I get home. My son on the other hand is two years older and I get to do bath and bedtime with him most nights.

Monday however, was very special. A few ladies from my church decided to organize a book club at a local coffee spot. I then made sure my schedule was arranged so that my wife could attend. While the husband is tasked by God to lead his wife, I know that strong friendships within our church family would not only bless her, but she can also be a blessing to others.

So Monday afternoon rolls around and I leave work early and I get the kids for the evening. It was much easier than it sounds though - my parents providentially live in our apartment building. Even more providentially, they live right across the hallway. Most of the evening before bedtime was spent there. An hour past their normal bedtime, I was finally ready to put them down.

First up for bed is my ten month year old girl. Formula was heated up, she's tucked into the nook of my arm and I am just staring at her, thanking God for giving me a daughter. I began praying for her - that she would be saved young, that she would serve the Lord with all her heart, that He would take care of her for me. Then, I began to pray for her husband. Whether he is born or not, that he would be a godly, mature man - an Exemplary Husband, who loves Jesus and continually seeks to look more like Him. That he would sacrificially love my daughter and water her with word, pointing her always to God. I prayed that Christ would be precious to him, that he would know his fallen-ness and be ever dependent on His grace and mercy.

Then, I began to pray that my daughter would be pleasing to him, a help meet suitable. A submissive, fellow heir of salvation that would honor her God by her devotion and love to her husband and children. Finally, I had to pray for my wife and me - that by God's grace we would be able to raise our daughter to be an Excellent Wife.

Why pray for something so distant?

Simple, because God answers prayer. 1 John 5 says that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. He also seeks people to worship Him in spirit and in truth, so in confidence I petitioned our Creator for His blessing.

Are your kids already married? Engaged? In their teens? Still in diapers? Or not yet born? Pray for them and for their spouse. God not only wants to hear your heart, but He also can and will do more abundantly for us that we can imagine. 

Yours In Christ,
Tom Vazquez